I am excited to share a most unusual 3 nights event that rocked my world. This Heaven-Sent mission hopefully will excite you with its possibilities.

 July 9,10,11, 2019 – I had a visitor from Heaven, middle of the night, while sleeping next to my wife in Mishawaka Indiana. He appeared in a “Visitation Dream.”  These were strong, totally remembered dreams, nothing like the normal “waking up” dreams.

    The messenger was Christ like in appearance with biblical attire, long brown hair, and beard, his face, hand and feet were all obscure. He spoke in a Midwest accented English. 

We were standing in a courtyard and talking, and I felt very comfortable. During the visitation, I felt like I was talking with a friend or familiar acquaintance, exchanging conversation with a teacher or someone I respected. The different feeling of awe and wonder came in the waking world. (I believe I was speaking to Christ Himself, only my unfamiliarity with Heaven, allows the possibility that he was a saint, disciple, or the Holy Spirit.)

As an ordinary “Joe” Christian, I was surprised at everything that was happening. A disciple or Christ dream of unique impact and clarity. I had a lot of questions naturally, but they seemed of a lessor importance considering the job assignment I was given.


1st night:  These very vivid instructions were to take a photo of our church’s Easter Jesus and print a postcard-sized card ---

and give away this card in any quantity needed to everyone requesting them for free, non-denominational.  

  “These cards will help a lot of people.” (His promise.)

2nd night:  Place the message “Thank you Jesus” on the bottom. The instructions repeated giving away the cards to everyone

and that “ these cards will help a lot of people.” — This promise (repeated twice) is a commitment from Heaven.

His expression of non-denominational UNITY was strongly expressed in His words.

The gift of a “tool” to help bring Christians closer to Jesus in their chosen faith and church.

  {Observation 1} Night one and two were similar and addressed to ALL Christians. A very warm and joyous presentation — talking and sharing the rewards of evangelization by aiding many to return to fundamental beliefs in loving Jesus and being thankful for all his blessings.

His message — remember Jesus and all His blessings. (His message is fundamental, and basic biblical, easily for any congregation to reflect upon.)

His appearance. His request to reflect upon Him and bring Him homage. His gift to all Christians. His also has a special gift for Catholics. {The importance of helping those stuck in Purgatory.} His request for the Thank You Jesus cards and their significance at all the churches, school, and groups. Will His message be carried far into the future? The list goes on and on.



 {Observation - PART — 2} Heaven had an additional plan and news for Catholics.

3rd night:  (Even stronger instructions directed to Catholics.) (Direct Quote) “Add the letter “P” in an inconspicuous and conservative manor near the “Thank you Jesus” in a ribbon or artistic scroll design. The “P” is for helping those stuck in Purgatory. THIS IS A REAL PLACE. The people in Purgatory are too often forgotten and ignored in our thoughts and prayers. This card is important. Our prayers will help, and these cards will also help.” End Direct Quote).

NOTE - I have little knowledge of Purgatory and consider this statement quite significant –

far out of my personal knowledge or understanding.  

-- The Original Dreams Ended. --- Information and guidance continue - - audio only - “mini-callings”, often answering . prayers.



Note: Heavens gift is now available in 5 languages,

English, Spanish, German, and Polish, and Vietnamese, plus Consider a different language, —-

How can we bring this message to other countries?

A Biblical Calling

HEAVEN — Has a request.

Hundreds of callings, dreams, and visitations appeared in the bible.

This is a modern day calling (I believe),from Jesus, himself, with a request.         

If you received instructions from HEAVEN, What would you do?

Updated January 2024 - by Phil Hughes


The Eucharist Revival, at the parish level, is starting now.     The better understanding of our most important sacrament needs everyone's support.

Churches, schools, and groups and missions can participate.

*** Can I send you 500, 1000, 2000 or more cards???

The cards are printed for FREE.   Cost should not be a consideration.

I use  vistaprint.com. Great quality at a very reasonable price.

This is now my mission. I hope you can accept this calling based on faith and use these cards in various ways as intended by our heavenly host.

These cards are free, no advertising, perfect for handing out. —- OR —- With pre-planning, both sides can be printed with your message. Large internet printing companies like vistaprint.com can print both sides to your specifications.

------ One idea ---- Send 5 postcards to the entire congregation. Ask them to send each card to 5 friends, relatives, or someone special. Their personal mailings could spread the word that Jesus is watching over us today and He wants us to think about our blessings. (Successfully tried by others.)


I no idea why I was chosen to receive these dreams, -- but instructions from Heaven have shown that Jesus is watching over us today.

  I have no other agenda than following Jesus’s instructions. (Another Blessing)