Dream #2 (July 10, 2019) Next Night (Same time and place.) Tonight’s Instructions: (Direct Quote). “Take this card and print on the bottom the words — Thank You Jesus. Then pass them on, give them away to everyone. This message will help many people. (End quote). The speaker was the same as in the first night. We were just talking (not like a lecture.). Very short verbal instructions. Side suggestions similar to night one, as postcard usage, and a prediction of worldwide usage in many languages. Postcards are easy and inexpensive to print in any country. (I had strong feelings of love, enormous joy, cooperative attitude, and positive thoughts of the future.)
Reading between the lines. There is a lot of wonderful meanings, direct statements and indirect thoughts all supporting faith, in this modern-day appearance as well as His message from Heaven. Jesus coming to us at this time. Wow —- this is amazing. He has RISEN and currently watching over us.
I remembered parts of this dream but not every detail. During these dreams, it didn’t seem strange to be instructed by Jesus. He was a friend and teacher.
I was simply chosen to take up this cause (or not.) The cards are to be passed out to anyone - free, any Christians, church, school, or group, nondenominational. My assigned “JOB” was to get the cards out to lots of people, resulting in worldwide distribution. I personally have no other intentions or agendas except passing on this message. (I can pay for the printing as suggested in dreams 1 and 2).
Note: 1) The visitations were very limited in scope. A “job” assignment to help produce remembrance cards. Interpretations have “muddied” Heaven’s intensions to aid mankind. 2) The dreams had nothing to do with me personally, my salvation etc., other than this assignment. My faith is strong in this assignment.
The Lord’s Messenger didn’t address the use of modern communication, mail, mobile, digital, newspaper, radio or T.V. Only give it to — “all” — Christians.
A great message for the world!
Order English, Spanish, our newest Vietnamese.
Willing to print other languages.
It’s very enjoyable to see Jesus’s message reaching more people and cultures.